Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Update on life.

It has been a while since I wrote a blog and so I thought I would just update everybody on my life at SEBC.

I have been here for a month and I love it!!! And as of two weeks ago, both of my parents told me how proud they are of me for doing so well down here...that meant the WORLD to me!!!!!

I have two jobs. One I dislike more than the other. I have babies at the daycare on Mondays from 8-1:30 and Wednesdays 8:30-5:30. I work at the Christian bookstore on the weekends when I do not go home. You can figure out which one I do not like by yourself.

I went to the Alabama/Tulane game which was the first home game for Alabama and it was pretty boring to say the least. It was fun but boring. My first Alabama game was a pretty stinky game but an amazing time with my best bud, Jonathan.

The second weekend in a row that I didn't go home (yeah, dad about had a heart attack) I spent with Dana (Kristyn was gone to see her new niece, Lilly back home in Maryland)!!! We visited the Church at Brook Hills and I loved it!! It's an amazing church - the next weekend I stay, I am going to Chelsea Church of God and eventually I am visiting More Than Conquerors Faith Church. The churches around here are awesome...and big! I miss my little country church at home every now and then. ;)

Classes are going pretty well. Race, Culture and the Church is amazing, I love it! Bible Overview is my favorite class. Music Theory 1 is about to kill me but it's okay. I chose to go into music so it's my fault - LOL! Voice is going well, I am doing a lot better than I was this time last year. General Psychology is interesting and I like it so far. Piano is's been a while since I last played so...yeah.

I sleep in Kristyn and Dana's room but I do everything else in my room. It's fun. The only time I go anywhere by myself is when I am going to work or if I get so tired of being with people, I just go somewhere which has only happened twice.

Dance starts back for me this week and I am excited. I am going to be there two weeks out of the month and I am so thankful that the owner of the studio agreed to work that out with me. I haven't seen my dance girls since July (some since May) and I can't wait!

My dad turns 50 this Friday and I am PUMPED!!!! I got him two great gifts plus I'll be home until Sunday afternoon so he should be happy.

Dana's birthday is Sunday and she is going to be 19 (I turn 19 in three months!!! I can't wait)!!

Things are changing in my life and I can honestly say, I am so much more happier with myself and so much more confident. I knew when I wrote the blog about it at the beginning of the summer, God was going to do something to make me more confident and He did - He shipped me off to college. LOL! It's great. People are still just finding out that I have's amazing how behind people are. If they had blogs, they'd know.

God has blessed me with amazing friends down here as well. I already had them, but since being here, we've grown closer and it's great. Dana and I are like, joined at the hip. She's so great and I love her to death. She and I are going to be roommates next year and I can't wait! I love my Daner!!! ;) I love my Kristyn too!!! She's mean sometimes but we love her anyway - LOL! :)

And with the help of Dana and Caleb (who is a great friend too...I guess :D), I can get pretty much anywhere without getting lost and it's great! Because of those two, I have also taken up bowling and volleyball. It's a known fact that I am not very good at either but that's okay. We have so much fun when we all go play!

That's pretty much it. All to update on I suppose. If anybody has any questions (which I am hoping I just answered all of them) just ask.

Much love and many blessings,

Amber =)

P.S. I am going to write a Bible blog eventually, I just haven't decided what I am going to write it about. Something out of Bible Overview or the sermon we heard at Brook Hills...I just haven't decided. Sorry so random, I just had to update everybody on everything all in one spot.