Wednesday, November 5, 2008

People get ready! Jesus is coming!

Well, my first election has come and gone and my candidate didn't win and you know what? I am okay with that.

The United States of America got who we (yes, I said we) deserve and if you think I am crazy, just check out the Old Testament. The nation of Israel got the Kings they deserved whether wicked or not.

The coming of the Lord is near and if people didn't think so before the election, I sure hope they are thinking so now - just saying.

I can't really put into words my feelings about the election because a lot of people don't agree with me on what I look for in a candidate but I am not going to bash Obama or act like he is not the President of these United States because that is not Christ-like. The Bible says in Titus 3:1&2, "Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men."

I've already heard Christian people say they would not respect Obama nor would they consider him their President but hey guys, we CANNOT be that way. Did you just read Titus 3:1&2?!?!? It's not Biblical for us to be that way. We have to pray blessings on him, not curses.

And to those people who also say he is the anti-christ, get in the word. He is not the anti-christ. The anti-christ will rise to power and he will be from "across the pond" (lol). Now that one I can't remember the exact scripture location of (and if there are any SEBC scholars [lol] out there reading this who know where it might be, leave it in a comment - PLEASE) but if you actually get in the word, you'll find out that Obama is NOT the anti-christ. The Bible is very specific about the anti-christ so...chill out guys!

We got who we deserved and he was God ordained. The man God wanted for the job got it and sure I don't agree with it but hey, I'm not God.

This is totally random but I really love it and I just have to tie it in on this; I love what Damon Thompson says, "The answer for a nation in moral recession is a burning church, and the answer for a church that's not burning is a burning man."

Sara Beth from Chosen added this in her recent blog on the Ramp and Karen Wheaton Ministries blogs; "This simply means IT STARTS WITH YOU AND ME! God is looking for just one…just one seeker who wants Jesus more than anything and burns to know Him more. When He finds the one, He can set a church on fire. And, when He finds the burning church, He can set a nation ablaze. It's time to heed the voice of God. It's time to pray and fast—even if we have to start by praying and fasting to simply care about this nation and the people it represents. It's time to be obedient to anything and everything He's told us to do. No more procrastination. Time is short."

That's about all I have to say...I know it's not really encouraging but there were some people talking some un-Biblical things and I didn't want to call them out by individual, I wanted to talk to the body as a whole.

Just pray guys and pray blessings on our (soon-to-be) President, Obama.

Much love and many blessings,
Amber ;)

Jesus, I plead your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation - end abortion and send revival to America - Amen.