Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Major News.

Here it is, plain and simple - I will not be graduating from SEBC in May.

I know, Amber's one goal for 2011 and it's already a no-go. And I know, most of you were really wishing my "major news" was something to do with a guy. I'm not even going to make a comment on that...haha!

Once I got my semester sylabi, the fear of possibly failing Geometry became a reality, I realized that if I failed I wouldn't graduate anyway. It wasn't my first choice but after talking with both my mom and dad, the Dean here at SEBC and a Spiritual mom, the decision has been made. I will finish my time at SEBC in December of this year and from there, I am still unsure. I don't want to do anything without being 100% certain it is the Lord's will. I'm very uncomfortable with this decision but, there are times in life when the Lord makes us uncomfortable for His greater plan.

Last semester I had my lowest GPA I've had since being at SEBC and honestly, I don't want to go out with another low GPA. I want to prove my best here at SEBC, not my desperation. Whatever mission God has for me has me at SEBC...still!

So I know, some of you are thinking about how excited I was and all that jazz but the Lord has opened some doors to keep me excited about life :)

He has opened the door for me to help a family friend's church our with their praise and worship and I am very excited about it! Anything to bring glory and honor to His name! Of course, I always have my summer of camp and hopefully, this summer will consist of traveling to camp(s)...again! Also, some girlfriends and I are looking at apartments/houses to possibly move in over the summer/beginning of the fall and so from there, we'll see where the Lord takes it.

No it's not my plan but, God's plan is greater than mine and I'll go wherever He leads me. So I just ask that you pray for me, and my parents; this was a tough decision to make.

Much love and many blessings!
Amber <3