Saturday, January 19, 2008

Some things are going to change this year.

Like the way I keep my feelings to myself.

No more. I am not going to continually vent to my parents. I am going to start by having lunch/dinner with a specific person and we are going to go into it ALL. All of it. Every last bit of it. Well, I might keep a couple of conversations between myself and some other people under wraps but other than's all going to be out in the open and I can only pray they are open to it and they tell me the truth.

I am never going to lie to my friends again either. Like, "OH I LOVE YOUR NEW HAIR CUT!" Heck no. That's ending. I never really thought it was lying until my mother informed me that it was. Once I realized it, I felt really bad. It must hurt God when I tell a friend I love their purse when in reality, I hate it. So yes, that's going to end.

I am also going to quit drinking soft drinks - again. Yes, I quit and start back about every four or five months. But I am serious this time!!!

I AM going to do 100 crunches everyday. Even though I am supposed to do it everyday for conditioning, I am going to do it whether I do the rest of my conditioning or not. Speaking of conditioning...

I am going to fulfill at least ONE of my dreams. GOD! YOU SEE THIS! HELLO!?!?!?!? I AM GOING TO!!!!

Anyway. These are my New Years Resolutions. Let's see if I can stick to them. I sure hope so. Much love! Amber =]

P.S. I hope to lose at least fifteen pounds this year. I would love to lose between twenty and thirty but fifteen is the main goal! LOL! Yeah...anyway...LOVE YA*LL!!!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Well...this is cool!

This is my first Blogger blog and I hope I like this place. LoL! I am going to be posting my New Years blog that I have published on my Myspace and Facebook.
It's entitled "My 8 Top 10s of 2007" - enjoy!
Top 10 Funniest Moments of 2007
10 - Going to Wal*Mart with mom, Heather, Carla, Wayne and Crystal. Heather and I had a blast running ALL OVER Wal*Mart. Especially going to the card aisle and singing along with the "sound" cards! =]
9 - Going to McDonalds for Jake's birthday with mom, Aimee, Ryan and Jake while at Summer Ramp in June. We made a bet with Ryan [mom, Aimee, Jake and I] that somebody in McDonalds would recognize him because he sings with Eddie James and Jake said, "I'll go farther and say, nobody will recognize me." Sure enough, we sat down to eat and a guy walked over to our table and started talking to Ryan. Jake was HILARIOUS. We were all like, "He's with Eddie too!" So great!
8 - Jonathan's glasses.
7 - Back in June, when EJM was here, the first day they got here, mom, Aimee and I had to take Ryan to the UPS store in Rainbow City. On the way, Ryan said something and Aimee and I replied at the same time, with the same EXACT words, three times in a row. Ryan literally freaked out and so the rest of the week, anytime it happend, Ryan had to know. We still do that all of the time to this day and call it, "Ryan moments!"
6 - After going to North Gadsden Church of God to minister for a youth service, Austin called his dad while we were eating [at McDonalds none the less] and when he asked him how it went Austin replied, "Great! I fell out!" Yes, the entire table erupted with laughter!
5 - Back before Thanksgiving, when I was getting my hair cut [off], my hair lady [Ashley] asked me what my dad thought about me getting my hair chopped off. I replied, "He doesn't know." She literally went into a nervous breakdown and almost quit cutting my hair. I would've walked out with a totally, crappy 'do!
4 - A while back while mom, Aimee and I were out, we were talking about the upcoming Presidential election and Aimee said, "You know what? I think Pastor Bill should run for President!" Mom and I laughed and Aimee said, "PASTOR BILL FOR PRESIDENT 2008!" And so, to this day, the youth group has a Presidential election button on their space that says, "Pastor Bill for President 2008!"
3 - While at Fall Ramp in October, Brandon saw a girl in whom he says, "looks like a Cavewoman." Therefore, the rest of the trip, we called this girl, CAVEWOMAN. UTurn still does, to this day!
2 - Mom, Aimee and I were headed to Anniston for New Generation Drama Clubs performance of "The Moonstone." We somehow got to talking about Corn on the Cob and it all went off from there! Aimee said something about always getting Corn on the Cob and corndog confused. Hence the nickname, "Corndog." And yes, all of UTurn and EJM refer to Aimee as, "Corndog."
1 - My golf cart wreck, my first day of work at Twin Bridges Golf Club really wasn't funny when it happend, but now, it's the funniest thing of the year according to mom, dad, Brandon, Aimee, Nikki and the rest of my friends. Too bad it's not that funny to me, right?

Top 10 God Moments of 2007!
10 - See You at the Pole pre-rally in Gadsden with The A*Team!
9 - Prayer Conference in January. The first time any of us in the Church of God heard of Tommy Bates!!!!
8 - Establishing UTurn Drama Team back in April! They've all come a long way. True we have lost three members but God is blessing those who are sticking it out and want to minister for his Glory! They rock, I must say. Sometimes, I am proud to say I instruct those crazy kids! LOL!
7 - The Free to Worship Praise Explosion that we helped out with back in January! So great! I got to minister in drama in front of Eddie James and his entire ministry! Because of that I was friends with half of the kids before they got here in June! I was so nervous but once I was done, I was so proud of myself and I know God did some stuff through that. Heck! If not for the Free to Worship Praise Explosion, our week in June never would have happend. =(
6 - Founding The A*Team out of UTurn Youth Ministry/Drama Team. The A*Team has been a great experience. I love ministering side by side with Aimee, Mandy and Austin! The A's have it! Now if Brandon's name only started with an A. LOL!
5 - Summer Ramp in June was a great spiritual experience not only for me but for Aimee as well. And plus, we got to hang out with our new found friends in EJM.
4 - Campmeeting. Wow! It was so awesome. Perry Stone and Tommy Bates knocked my socks off!
3 - Fall Ramp in October. It was UTurn's first trip out, all of us together. We had a great time. I had to come to terms with a certain situation that I never thought in a MILLION years would ever happen, but it did and I had to deal with it. I lost it while there, totally not understanding what God was doing and why my time with my ministry had not come yet but you know, God knows. I still don't understand why what happend that weekend happend, but that's a spiritual mistake someone else made, not me. I can't help what other people do. I have to take care of myself and make sure everything on my drama team is under control. LOL!
2 - Ramp Workshops in July. I went with EJM. That was a blast and I can't wait to see Bryce again! He left while we were there and he'll be back in the summer. He was supposed to be at the Ramp this past weekend but I didn't get to go so...yeah. LOL! Knowing him totally changed my life and talking to him is just, so, wow! LOL!
1 - EJM coming to Harmony COG in June. Wow! That's the BIGGEST thing that has ever happend in my life! LOL! Being friends with Eddie and his kids has TOTALLY changed my life. Being in bible study and prayer with them that week, TOTALLY changed my life. I'll never pray the same again. Wow!

Top 10 Best Moments [period] of 2007!
10 - Getting my hair cut off and Ashley having a nervous breakdown right in the middle of the cut.
9 - Finding out who I am going to spend the rest of my life with and having to keep the faith and trust it God to know it'll happen. That's a hard one. Thanks to Lauren, Jonathan and my mother, I keep the faith and the love that I have for that person.
8 - DARTMINKFS at Fall Ramp. Yes, T9 is an adventure and this is the BEST adventure with T9 I have ever had. It's a UTurn girl word - just to let you know! =]
7 - IHOP with Lauren and Meghan at Campmeeting was GREAT! So much fun. Since then, Lauren has become one of my best friends. She is the BEST person to talk to. =]
6 - Getting my acceptance letter from Southeastern Bible College. =]
5 - Having my first wreck [ever] - Golf Cart style.
4 - Getting to spend a weekend at the Ramp with EJM! Ramp Workshops were great. Christian taught me some new moves - anybody want to see 'em? =]
3 - Ministering through drama with "Can't Live A Day" by Avalon at the Free to Worship Praise Explosion in front of Eddie James and his ministry teams!!! Wow. That was SOOO big for me. Too bad UTurn hadn't come along yet. LOL!
2 - Graduating a year early. 2007 instead of 2008!!
1 - EJM spending a week at Harmony in June. With us. Here. At Harmony. WOW! The kids left that week not even knocking on the door to the parsonage. It's just like, okay. This is the house the crazy fans live in. HAHAHAHA!!! =]

Top 10 Most Shocking Moments of 2007!
10 - Britney Spears losing her mind and going CRAZY.
9 - Eddie James so totally knowing me and getting hugs everytime I see him. He thinks I am cool, just to let everybody know. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
8 - Falling in love. Yes, I know. I am single. I still hold more love for "him" than anybody other than God and my parents. It's a great if he felt the same way. Ha!
7 - Zac Efron dating Vanessa Hudgens. She is such a hoochie, right? How can he date her when he could so have me? Ha! Ha! Oh em gee [and if you didn't already know it, I don't like Vanessa Hudgens. LoL!].
6 - Starting to actually like Vanessa Hudgens and then the whole "picture scandal" thing coming out. Yes, I don't like her anymore.
5 - Finding out who I am going to marry. Yes, I know. A lot of people think it's crazy. Not only did it come in a prophesy but God has confirmed it to me twice since then but I knew before the word came in the prophesy. When you find "the one" you just know it. It doesn't take God telling you especially when you love them. Wow. It's a great feeling. I just have to believe the whole, "Love Is Patient" thing and keep my trust and faith in God and one day, he'll feel the same way about me. =]
4 - EJM coming here. Yes, it still shocks me and I stil have no idea why God did that. LOL!
3 - Jamie Lynn Spears getting pregnant by her boyfriend that she met AT CHURCH who is the pastor's nephew. Wow. None of my PK friends do that kinda stuff...I don't think. Ha!
2 - John Craik going to jail. Totally shocked me and I cried and prayed and worried about him and his family for days. Still do. Wow. Total shock.
1 - The situation that went down while at Fall Ramp. I'm not going into it but my dad and I still can't believe it. Total shock. Totally.

Top 10 New Friends of 2007!
10 - Kristyn Ramsey. Friend from school. She was crazy enough to go to the Ramp with my youth group. LOL! She went to Fall Ramp with us. Yes, she did. She has seen and heard it all now! LOL! Love you Kristyn!
9 - Lauren Chrisman. We were already friends but this year we have become so close and without her, I don't know where I would be. She's been there for me through a lot and I just love her for it. Thanks Lauren!
8 - Dana Bradley. She is one of my few friends at school! LOL! Working on our Personal Fitness project was so much fun. Her computer, ROCKS! LoL. You rock Dana!
7 - KATiE! LOL! She travels with EJM in the summer time and I just love this girl. She has met Corbin Bleu for crying out loud and yes, they will be getting married one day! =] I just love KATiE! And yes, that is her trademark name. She totally owns KATiE! =] Love you KATiE!
6 - Marlon Robertson. He is the keyboard player for Eddie. He had to leave on Wednesday when they were here in June because a family member died and so we didn't get to spend much time together but after a day in Montgomery together and then two weekends at the Ramp - a grand total of 9 days together - you'd think we were BEST FRIENDS when we are together. He's the greatest. Surprising him, Heather, Jake and Anthony at the Scottsboro Campmeeting was priceless. I just love Marlon! And he knows it! =]
5 - Mandy Blackadar. My bestie from school. She totally rocks! Love you Mandy!
4 - Amber Stewart. Because of Justin Whittington we have talked almost EVERY DAY since last October! Thanks Justin and Amber, I LOVE YOU! I love Zac more though! LOL! =] Just kidding.
3 - Amy Gomez and Melissa Stewart. My two homies from dance class. They rock and I know we'll be friends for a LONG time. At least our entire dancing careers. LOL! Love you girls!
2 - Nicole Pomarico. We have known OF each other and been friends on Myspace for ages but in the last couple of months we have started talking and text at least like, three or four days a week. She rocks. She IS going to be famous one day. She has already had some stories/interviews in Teen Magazine and she has been like A HUNDRED MILLION famous people! LOL! She and I share the same love for Joe Jonas with the exception she has met him and I haven't. Thanks to Whitney for being friends with Nicole so we can now be friends. Love you Nicole!
1 - Pat and Heather Naomi Craik. Pat is Heather's mother. Pat is one of my best adult friends. We don't get to talk a lot but I love her and know she is here if I need her. Heather and I talked some online every now and then but once Eddie and the crew came here, we were like joined at the hip [that's what Crystal said anyway]. Heather is a great person and I love her so much. We always have fun times when we are together and her mom is just THE BOMB!!!!! I LOVE YOU PAT AND HEATHER!!!! =]

Top 10 Movies of 2007!
10 - Pirates of the Caribbean 3.
9 - Surf's Up!
8 - Spiderman 3.
7 - Amazing Grace.
6 - High School Musical 2.
5 - Enchanted.
4 - Alvin and the Chipmunks.
3 - The Ultimate Gift.
2 - National Treasure 2.
1 - Hairspray.

Top 10 Albums of 2007!
10 - Free to Worship remix by Eddie James and Ultimate Call.
9 - Hello and Goodbye by Jump5.
8 - Alvin and the Chipmunks - the soundtrack.
7 - High School Musical 2 - the soundtrack.
6 - Hymns of Faith by Avalon.
5 - 33 Miles by 33 Miles. =]
4 - Believe by Karen Wheaton.
3 - Hairspray - the soundtrack.
2 - Fervent Worship by Eddie James and Ultimate Call.
1 - Jonas Brothers [bonus jonas edition] by the Jonas Brothers.

Top 10 Movies I cannot wait to see in 2008!
10 - Cheetah Girls 3.
9 - Veggie Tales : Pirates Movie.
8 - The Christmas Cottage.
7 - 27 Dresses.
6 - Hannah Montana Concert Movie!!!
5 - Footloose.
4 - Seventeen.
3 - High School Musical 3.
2 - The Great Debaters [yes, it came out '07 but I won't see it until '08].

Okay. Hope everybody enjoyed this. And if you actually read it all, I LOVE YOU!!! I have been working on these Top 10s for like, a week so yeah! Much love! Amber =]