Saturday, January 19, 2008

Some things are going to change this year.

Like the way I keep my feelings to myself.

No more. I am not going to continually vent to my parents. I am going to start by having lunch/dinner with a specific person and we are going to go into it ALL. All of it. Every last bit of it. Well, I might keep a couple of conversations between myself and some other people under wraps but other than's all going to be out in the open and I can only pray they are open to it and they tell me the truth.

I am never going to lie to my friends again either. Like, "OH I LOVE YOUR NEW HAIR CUT!" Heck no. That's ending. I never really thought it was lying until my mother informed me that it was. Once I realized it, I felt really bad. It must hurt God when I tell a friend I love their purse when in reality, I hate it. So yes, that's going to end.

I am also going to quit drinking soft drinks - again. Yes, I quit and start back about every four or five months. But I am serious this time!!!

I AM going to do 100 crunches everyday. Even though I am supposed to do it everyday for conditioning, I am going to do it whether I do the rest of my conditioning or not. Speaking of conditioning...

I am going to fulfill at least ONE of my dreams. GOD! YOU SEE THIS! HELLO!?!?!?!? I AM GOING TO!!!!

Anyway. These are my New Years Resolutions. Let's see if I can stick to them. I sure hope so. Much love! Amber =]

P.S. I hope to lose at least fifteen pounds this year. I would love to lose between twenty and thirty but fifteen is the main goal! LOL! Yeah...anyway...LOVE YA*LL!!!

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