Thursday, August 11, 2011

Saying goodbye... someone dear to your heart is one of the hardest things to do.

I found out yesterday that my dear friend Daq from Southeastern Bible College passed away. He was 26-years-old and suffered a heart-attack. I just talked to him on the phone about a photo shoot last heart is still breaking.

This time last year, we were grieving the loss of our dear professor, Dr. Gary Greene who passed from a heart-attack in his office there at SEBC. I remember like it was yesterday...losing people dear to you, makes you realize who you truly love and what your priorities are.

I love SEBC and it'll always be a very special place to me and to suffer this loss, is very painful. Please pray for SEBC and the Weatherspoon family!

So, back to priorities...what are yours? Is it running around trying to please people or is accomplishing God's Will for you on this earth?!?!? Daq's last statement on his bio on Twitter read - "I just want to be used Lord...Let me be your vessel." How many of us really have that desire? I know one thing, that is my heart...all I want is to be His vessel and do whatever it is He's called me to!

My priority in life right now, is to make sure the people I love - KNOW IT! To graduate - FINALLY! And, to do what God has called me to and, for the time being, I am called to The Well Worship Encounter in Gadsden, Alabama and until He says otherwise (no matter if it's 6 months, 5 years or 20 years), I'll be there! No matter what! And finally, last but not least, I make it priority to serve God with everything within me - to never back down.

What are your priorities? It may be time to get those in check ;)

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