Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October 26, 2001... a day I will never forget. It was that day I experienced my first real sense of loss, at the age of eleven.

My mom's sister who had been struggling with cancer since I was nine-years-old, died.

I remember the phone call, I remember my mom's face; her voice; her reaction to the news. My heart literally stopped beating for a second...I couldn't cry. My aunt Linda was like, everything to my mom and I. Since she had received Christ that year, she and my mom were closer than ever. I am so glad she gave her life to Christ because I know, I'll see her again one day!

I didn't cry until we got to the funeral home for her visitation...when I saw her in the casket and I saw my cousin, David (her son) crying, I lost it and I literally did not stop until after the funeral the next day. When they closed the casket there was no holding it in. My cousin, Sali and I cried and sobbed through the entire funeral. I had never experienced such loss.

I got a keepsake at aunt Linda's funeral that I still have to this day! His name is Arney and he's a stuffed lion. My children's Pastor at that time, Sis. Brenda, gave him to me for "strength and faith" and yes, ten years later at the age of twenty-one I still look to the little lion when I need a reminder of those things.

I just think about what life would've been like had God not called my dear aunt home. But I know God had a plan in that...and I know I'll see her one day!!!

I just wanted to write about her...dear aunt Linda was an amazing woman and is greatly missed!

Much love and many blessings,
Amber :)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fall in Tennesee :)

I took this picture last October in Gatlinburg, Tennessee! I had the honor of serving on the Student Council leadership team my last full year at Southeastern Bible College (I was the Vice-President in the Fall semester and President in the Spring semester) and during our Fall semester, we had the opportunity to go on a Leadership retreat and I must say, it was one of the most fun experiences I've had so far in my 21 years! Three days in Gatlinburg was fun and just the time with my friends was amazing but what made it so awesome was that it was my first trip with my new camera :)

This is one of my favorite pictures I've ever taken and it was taken in the backseat of our Dean of Students' SUV on our way back to Alabama! Tennessee is beautiful and I advise ANY PHOTOGRAPHER (whether a amateur or a professional) to go there and play with their fall colors and just, the beauty God put in that state!

Even now, traveling on the road with EJM, Tennessee is where I always wish I had my camera...thank God for an iPhone, right? :)

Much love and many blessings,
Amber :)

P.S. I took these in Johnson City, TN with the team this a couple of weekends ago.