Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October 26, 2001... a day I will never forget. It was that day I experienced my first real sense of loss, at the age of eleven.

My mom's sister who had been struggling with cancer since I was nine-years-old, died.

I remember the phone call, I remember my mom's face; her voice; her reaction to the news. My heart literally stopped beating for a second...I couldn't cry. My aunt Linda was like, everything to my mom and I. Since she had received Christ that year, she and my mom were closer than ever. I am so glad she gave her life to Christ because I know, I'll see her again one day!

I didn't cry until we got to the funeral home for her visitation...when I saw her in the casket and I saw my cousin, David (her son) crying, I lost it and I literally did not stop until after the funeral the next day. When they closed the casket there was no holding it in. My cousin, Sali and I cried and sobbed through the entire funeral. I had never experienced such loss.

I got a keepsake at aunt Linda's funeral that I still have to this day! His name is Arney and he's a stuffed lion. My children's Pastor at that time, Sis. Brenda, gave him to me for "strength and faith" and yes, ten years later at the age of twenty-one I still look to the little lion when I need a reminder of those things.

I just think about what life would've been like had God not called my dear aunt home. But I know God had a plan in that...and I know I'll see her one day!!!

I just wanted to write about her...dear aunt Linda was an amazing woman and is greatly missed!

Much love and many blessings,
Amber :)

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