Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What am I thankful for?

Usually, I write one big blog on Thanksgiving day and post it on Facebook but, because I am on a Facebook fast, I've decided to post every day in my Evernote and then as I have time, paste them all in a blog here...so...here are my first few!!

November 1st - I am thankful for Jesus - and all He has done for me!

He didn't have to die for me, but He did! He loved me when I was unloveable and has saved my life on so many occasions I can't even count them all.

I just wanna go all Madea up in here :)

November 2nd - I am thankful for Christmas music - and the challenge of learning Eddie James' Christmas music :)

November 3rd - I am thankful that God is THE healer!!!!!!!! Hallelujah!!!!!!!

My mom found a spot on her back that appeared to be a possible skin cancer. She had skin cancers removed before I was born...I was really scared when I found out. The EJM road team and some close friends and I were praying the couple of days leading into her going to the doctor. The night before she was going to the doctor, the spot on her back fell off :) when she got to the doctor he told her it was a waste of time and gave her the money she had paid back!!!!!!! GOD IS THE HEALERRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 4th - I'm thankful for knowing Dr. Gary Greene! He impacted my life in ways he never knew, and I still think of him often. It's hard to believe he's been gone over a year now. He's was one of my favorite professors...and always will be! I think of his classes often and how I enjoyed them...even when it was super challenging. I miss SEBC and all my friends and professors there...but another thing I am thankful for is knowing I am where God has me at this time in my life!

November 5th - I am thankful for Godly friends who are there when you need them most. Those people who have your back...and you've got theirs. They're like your siblings...not just friends. They tell you the truth of what they're sensing God is saying and they call you out in love...not trying to make themselves look good. Those friends you know you can go to with ANYTHING!

November 6th - I am so thankful for feeling at home - even when I'm hundreds of miles away! :)

I fell in love with North Carolina and felt at home in a way I haven't felt since I joined EJM back in September! I love NC and can't wait to go back - hopefully soon!!!

November 7th - I am thankful for the fact that God goes before us and takes care of situations before we face them (whether we know of the situation or not). I am thankful that He goes after us in situations and helps clean our messes up. Sometimes, I sit back and go, "Wow God! Only you!" :) He just blows my mind and I am so thankful He loves us NO MATTER WHERE WE ARE AND NO MATTER WHAT WE'VE DONE!!!

November 8th - I am thankful for those trying, testing moments. The ones you don't think you're going to make it through and you really want to throw in the towel but something on the inside won't let you? Yeah, those moments...I'm thankful for. You know why? Because they make us stronger!

Ok. That's all for now. Check back in a week or so - they'll be more!!! :)

Much love and many blessings,
Amber :)

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