Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What's In Your Purse - part 1

As soon as I got home from my tour time with EJM, the Lord dropped an idea in my heart and so, I'm following through on it for the next few weeks.

I looked over on the kitchen table at my parent's house and the first thing I heard in my Spirit was "What's in your purse?" and so, here we begin our journey together as to what's in our purse and what the Lord may have to say about it! Of course, I don't know what all is in your purse but I definitely know what's in mine so...we're gonna work straight out of my purse.

The first thing we're gonna talk about is found in my cosmetic bag...hand sanitizer (Bath & Body is my favorite)! I'm sure most people see where I'm probably taking this...we're gonna talk about our hands!

I don't think a lot of people realize how unique God made our hands. Although, I feel most people do in fact understand how important our hands are. Our hands are very unique; not only is EVERY fingerprint different but every line in our hand is different. Some hands have hair and others are smoother than a baby's bottom. Some hands have freckles and moles, while others are flawless. For example, on the top of my left hand where my hand ends and my wrist begins, I have a little mole and another on my index finger on the inside. But my right hand has no markings at all.

As you very well know, hand sanitizer takes away the germs and cleanses our hands from things that could potentially harm us. When I think about what hand sanitizer does, it makes me think of Psalm 24:3&4, "Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord? And who shall stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully."

The blood of Jesus makes our hands Spiritually clean...have we Spiritually washed our hands of things that defile our hands and make them unclean before the Lord? I mean, I don't know about you but, I want to ascend the hill of the Lord! I want to stand right in the middle of His holy place with not only clean hands but a pure heart as well. Most Christians know this passage and probably know a song or two that deals with it so, I want bring to light some other passages and ideas that maybe we, haven't thought about.

Maybe you've thought about this and maybe you haven't but...Adam and Eve are an example. Eve was created to be Adam's helping hand (Genesis 2:18) and she did just that; but her hands caused her to stumble and sin entered the world. In Genesis 3 we see that Eve's hand took the fruit and then after she ate of it, she gave it to Adam. Their hands helped bring sin in to the world.

In Job 37:7 it is written that "He sets a seal on the hand of every man..." and some believe this is in fact talking about our fingerprints. Whether true or not, God still created our hands and placed a seal on them...He made each different in His own way! But even though God created our hands, they can still lead us astray...if we're not responsible in our walk with Him.

The Bible even talks about the Lord's hand. Isaiah 49:16 says, "Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands..." and the author of Hebrews talks about the heavens being the work of His hands (1:10). David writes often of the hand of the Lord in the Psalms but one of my personal favorites is in in Psalm 16:11, "...at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore."

Those are just a handful of things the Word says about hands, I want to challenge you to dig into the Word and see what else it says about hands. But I also want to challenge you to do with your hands what God desires for you to do; to work for His Kingdom! To reach out and touch those who needs you! To do everything He's called your hands to do.

Every time I think of the hands in the Christian perspective, I think of the song "If We Are the Body" by Casting Crowns. So, I'll leave you with that thought!

http://youtu.be/kAWeHo8E70E <--Check the video out here!!!