Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Independence Day

I never really sat down and actually put thought into what Independence Day was all about. Of course I am a History nerd and know the history of Independence Day but still, I never really thought about it. I also never really thought about the real meaning behind war. The war on terror. The war we are in right now.

Sunday morning, Pastor Lonnie told me to let the kids stay out in service because we were having our special Independence Day service. Brandon and I went out and sat towards the middle of the church - the first time ever we haven't sat on the front row - and I am so glad we did. It would've been a lot more emotional for me if I had been closer but anyway, there is no point to that.

Brother Mike Powell is a Sargent in the army and he brought the word to us Sunday morning and it was a great word. It was kind of like a History lesson therefore, I loved it! He told about all the wars the United States has ever been involved in and gave the number of deaths in each war. I can't remember all of those numbers, even though I am sure I could go find my 9th grade History book somewhere and tell everyone but, I don't want to!!! LoL! Anyway...

...Brother Mike showed a slideshow of pictures he had taken while he was on duty over in Iraq back in 2004. It was very emotional for me, to see those pictures of all of those guys over there. When Jeremy told that Brother Mike (who is his father-in-law) might be having to go back over seas soon, it really hit me. Bam! I am going to know someone over there, fighting. Fighting for my freedom here.

Then that's when reality hit me upside the head. There are thousands of men and women over in Iraq, Afganistan, Iran and other countries that are fighting for MY freedom all the way across the pond here in the States. WOW! Thousands and thousands of men and women, who have NO IDEA who Amber Smith is are fighting for her (my) freedom. They are risking their lives, they could be killed, because they want to keep our freedom here. Do people really realize that? I mean, come on, I am eightteen-years-old and it took me seven years to realize what all of those people are actually doing over there. Wow.

They are some brave people, I know I could never do that. I know, that sounds bad, me being a Christian and all but I could never fight for millions of people I did not know, and possibly loosing my life for them.

Now giving my life for the people I love, the people I am closest to is different but MILLIONS of people I do not know...I know for a FACT I could not do that.

It really blows my mind how our soldiers can do it. They are fighting for me to be able to get in my car and drive to church (25 minutes away) every Sunday morning and every Wednesday night. They are fighting for me to be able to buy my Denise Hildreth books and Jonathan Pierce CDs on eBay or Amazon or wherever I buy them. They are fighting for me to be able to pray and read my Bible every day. I mean, wow! Have you really thought about it?

I think I am done rambling about this, I was going to write about it yesterday but Brandon's grandmother passed away (cancer) and we a lot going on trying to get stuff ready for the church to fix food and all. Her memorial service is tomorrow, here at the church and I can tell you, it's going to be tough. Maw-Maw was just like a real grandmother to me. I loved her with all of my heart and her family too. Everybody knows that Brandon is just like my brother and I love their entire family. Sometimes, I love them more than my own - ha! Ha! But anyway, loosing Maw-Maw has been hard. She was convinced that God was going to heal her - she had more faith than anybody I have ever known. But in a way, he did heal her. She is dancing down streets of gold, singing "HOLY! HOLY! HOLY" (Revelation Song was her favorite praise and worship song) and she has already got to meet Jesus face to face. Wow! She has seen Jesus face to face!!! And yes, she was ready. She and Brandon are, well, were, the only two saved on that side of the family. Out of about fifty people, those two were the only ones.

Anyway, tomorrow is the memorial service (they creamated her) and I am dreading it. Not only because that reminds us all that she is gone but I have to sing and do a drama. Like I said earlier, her favorite praise and worship song was "Revelation Song" so, I am singing that. Her favorite hymn was "I Have Somebody with Me" (313 in the red back, ha! Ha!) so we are singing it congregation style I believe. I am not really sure. The family wanted Brandon and I to do "Now Behold the Lamb" because that was her favorite drama but Brandon said there was no way he could do it, and really, I don't know if I could have done it with him or not. The last service she was in (which was last Sunday night) I did my newest drama and Denise (Brandon's mom) said she loved it. "I Bowed On My Knees" by the Gaither Vocal Band is one of my all time favorite songs and from what they said, she loved it so I am doing it. It's going to be hard...I didn't want to sing but oh well. Mom has to do worse than that, she has to talk!!!! Ha!

So keep us in your prayers and Brandon's family as well. Cheryl (Maw-Maw) was the bomb and we are all going to miss her! Maybe this will lead her children to the Lord. Much love and many blessings!!!! Amber =)

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