Friday, July 4, 2008

it goes to show you never know when everything’s about to change

I am so proud of my girlfriend, Nicole Pomarico right now. Her dreams are coming true and here is the blog that told the world (not that, thanks to bulletins, we didn't already know). This is her blog...

It happened in the space of about 48 hours. Night one: Stacey comes up with a brilliant idea to start a campaign to get me on a talk show so that I get noticed by a publisher. Following afternoon: I post a bulletin about said campaign and Brooke texts me telling me her dad is a producer for Good Morning America. Next afternoon: I receive the news that I'm going to be on the show... and oh yeah, by the way, they found me a publisher.One dream come true on a silver platter coming right up.I'm not sure if I'm more shocked or maybe not at all surprised; if I'm more excited or more scared. When you truly believe in yourself and you want something with all your heart, in a way you know if you keep wanting it so intensely, someday, it'll come to you when combined with a little luck and a little bit more hard work. And that's how it happened to me. I've expected this; I've known that one day I would be a real writer with a published book, speaking about it and changing lives on national television. It's never been a question, I've never needed a back up plan.But still, imagine wanting something so badly it hurts since the very first time you picked up a pencil. Since three years old, when you started making up stories to give to your mom. Through fourth grade, when you completed your very first book (although not quite suitable for the public). Since seventh grade, the first time you ever picked up the Princess Diaries and the want to affect people the way you've been affected through writing became a need. Since you were sixteen and took your first creative writing class and received a 100 on everything you turned in. Since your eighteenth birthday, the day you finished writing the book that you've believed in so much that it's the one you're sending off into the world to speak for you to all those girls you desperately want to prevent from spending their teenage years feeling alone the way you did.And then it happens. In the blink of an eye you've got it.It's just like, "wait a minute. Is this actually happening to me?"But in a few months I'm going to be sitting in that studio, hair and make up professionally done, presenting myself and my ideas and, essentially, my heart and soul to the entire country for the first time. And then I'm going to walk out of that studio, and do you know who I'll be faced with? Nearly every single person I've been friends with for as long as two or three years ago whose friendship with me has survived the thousands of miles long distance will be out there waiting for me and FINALLY I get to meet the people responsible for keeping my heart beating, keeping me going, cheering me on.My best friend will be there. My little sister. My favorite person in the whole world. FINALLY I get to meet Stacey. I know most of you know how close we are and how we talk constantly. We don't just say we're sisters. I truly believe it was some cosmic error to blame for us not being born to the same family. I think seeing her might top GMA.Oh, and I get to be in New York City. You know, I've got a giant poster of New York hanging in my bedroom. "To keep your dreams alive," my mom told me when she bought it for me. It's the place I've always wanted to live. The home of publishing houses and magazine offices. Designer shoes and bright lights and fabulous Chinese food. My first time in the city, my first time on national television, my first time being with the people to whom my heart belongs.It's going to be a BIG trip.And that's just the beginning.The fact that my book's getting published? COMPLETELY blows my mind. ENTIRELY. Holy cow. It hasn't even registered with me yet.I'm completely overwhelmed with all the changes that are going to be taking place in my life so quickly. I don't feel completely ready for them, but I know that's the nerves and the fear and the uncertainty talking; I've been ready for this my whole life. This is my last year and possibly last semester of college before I'll have to start traveling to promote my book, depending on how long the publishing process ends up taking. Fortunately Morgan's going to home school and travel with me so I'll have some company when my mom can't go with me.Because I'm not letting my mom go everywhere with me. I'm somewhat attached to my mommy, despite how much I complain about her, and I'd love it if she could go everywhere with me, but she can't. It'd disrupt my sister, Jessie's, life way too much not to have my mom around. Plus, I'm a big girl. And Morgan has a lot of travel experience. We can make it on our own. =)Anyway, I'm going to update this regularly so everyone can follow my dream from Atlanta to New York and everywhere in between.I hope you guys enjoy, and one more time thank you so much for standing by me and supporting me and for telling me that this would happen for me one day on the days I felt discouraged. YOU WERE RIGHT and I can't thank you enough. I love love love love all of you. xoxoxoxoxo

I am sitting here, talking to Sali (my cousin), we have been talking for almost three hours straight on AIM. For the last, fourty minutes or so, I have been listening to my new (old) Jonathan Pierce CD that I got in the mail today that I bought off eBay. It's his first solo project - "Two Hearts" and so far I love it. It's from 1995 - yeah - the music sounds old school. LOL! I hated reading his thank yous to Denise. I almost lost it...again.

People who know me, know that I DO NOT cry but for some reason, this week, I have just wanted to cry non-stop from Denise Hildreth and Jonathan Pierce. I don't know, weird. But anyway...pray for Nicole and continue to pray for Denise and Jonathan. I just had to post Nicole's blog because I am so proud of her and can't wait to see what's going to come out of all of this!!!

Much love & blessings!!

Amber =)

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