Monday, August 25, 2008


Sometimes I don't understand how those of us who are supposed to be setting an example, end up sometimes being like those in the world. I guess when I moved to college a couple of weeks ago, I assumed some things would be different. Was I naive to think that being at a Christian College some things would be different? I guess we have all these expectations of how we "think" people are suppose to act, male and female, and when we come to see they are only human, it can be devasting. I'm not saying I am perfect, but why do so many people worry about dating like they do? Some of us get caught up in "the dating scene" or having a "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" and loose our focus of what we are suppose to be doing. I am seeing this happens everywhere, college, church, youth camp, the list goes on. I know some of my friends, have wasted so much time dating, breaking up, dating, breaking up and so the cycle goes. Many end up broken hearted and feel they can't go on and during this cycle, it seems their true friends are put on the shelf until the next break up. I now that I have a lot of growing and maturing to do myself, but I know that God can send the one to us, when we need them. We dont' have to be in a hurry. The "One" will be worth waiting for!

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