Saturday, August 9, 2008

SEBC here I come!!!

At the beginning of this year I said some things were going to change but I had no idea what one of those things would be.

A couple of months ago, one of my friends had the "discussion" with me.

If you don't know me well enough to know what the "discussion" is, that's where we talk about me moving out of my mom and dad's house.

After that conversation, I contacted the Dean of Students at SEBC and we talked about it for a day then, the subject was closed.

Well, last week, I had three different people who didn't know each other, talk to me about moving into the dorms at the school. I had been praying that God would do something and then here we go with people bugging me about moving into the dorms at school.

I ignored it all until Tuesday and I knew I had to talk to my mom about moving. I couldn't sleep and all I could do was think about talking to mom about it because I knew I would have to talk to her about it before dad.

Wednesday afternoon, I finally worked up the nerve and she said I'd have to talk to dad. So I did and it became (almost) official that I would be moving Friday the 15th! I talked with the Dean of Students and single rooms were still available. Eventually, it became official and Friday the 15th I am moving into my own dorm room at SEBC!!! I am really excited and have bought almost everything I need.

Wal-Mart experienced Amber Smith in a way like never before yesterday!!!

But here is how awesome God is!!!

The Financial Aid lady, Anne, called today and I am getting a $2000 scholarship!!! Plus my grant money is way more than usual!!! The school gave me a $2000 scholarship!!! I had no idea I was eligible but GOD MOVED AND I AM GETTING $2000 bucks that I had no idea I could get!!!

I told mom and dad when they said, "there is no way we can afford this" that God would make a way. If He can feed the birds everyday, he can pay my way through school!!! When mom told me about the scholarship I went running through the house screaming because God is so awesome!!!

My room is going to be pink and black with dance and music stuff and my bathroom is going to be lime green and black. It will match my luggage!!! I move in Friday and won't be home until the following Friday. Next weekend I am going to try and go to church with my dad's cousin who lives down on 280 somewhere (which is down from the school).

I have added 6 hours to the 6 hour schedule I already had, so I will now have 12. I am totally excited and can't wait to see what God is going to do!!! Mom and dad are not too excited, especially dad. We made all these plans and have done more than half of my shopping and dad has never seen our dorms.

Everyone please pray for me. I am totally excited. My girlfriends Kristin and Dana have been a huge help already and I can't wait to get there!! I can't wait for God to do whatever He is planning on doing!

Much love and many blessings,

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