Saturday, August 16, 2008

A word most people are scared of.


Oh but how I have been enjoying the change in my life this year! Most of it anyway.

At the beginning of this year, I posted a blog about how some things were going to change. Boy did I sooo not know what actually was going to change.

I've said goodbye to friends and I've said goodbye to family. I lost my great-aunt Gloria back in April/May and that was extremely hard because it all happened in under a week. She went into the hospital on like, Tuesday or Wednesday and was gone on Thursday. Aunt Glo always supported me and my drama ministry. A lot of the time she would say, "I only came to church tonight to see you do drama so it better be good." And everytime, she'd say, "That was amazing." I miss her. Seeing uncle Buddy is weird without her but he still supports me.

In March, I left mom and dads at Harmony and went to The Sanctuary in Albertville, Alabama as the Children's Pastor. I never planned to work with kids but God sent me there and I loved my five months there (I turned in my notice at the beginning of July and my last service was the last Wednesday night of July) and cannot wait to get back one Sunday to visit and see my kids. I changed a lot while I was there. If not through turns of events there, through things at my parents church or just personal experiences.

In April, I lost one of the bestest friends I ever had. Well, maybe they weren't as 'best' as I thought because of the things they were doing behind my back but it was a hard time in my life. I still can't believe what this person did. Losing this friend is still something I am getting used to. Sometimes when something happens with a certain person or two, I want to call 'em up and tell 'em all about it but I can't. And that's still hard. It was such a habit I guess. With their departure, God sent my old friend Holli back into my life and I must say that I love her more today than I did two years ago.

In May, I re-discovered the Gaither Vocal Band and haven't stopped listening to them since. Since I turned twelve or thirteen I had been dead set against Southern Gospel music (with the exception of The Martin's of course) and wouldn't touch it. Well, God has totally changed my heart about it and since I saw "Back Home in Indiana" on APT, I haven't been the same music addict. I assume it reminds me of my childhood days and the awesome 90s! You can learn harmonies so easily by listening to Southern Gospel music especially GVB and The Martin's. I know, I am crazy and people are so amazed when I tell them what I listen to here lately but I can't help it. I've always been very eclectic with my music and this proves it.

Because my favorite GVB comes from the 90s (Bill Gaither, Mark Lowry, Jonathan Pierce and Guy Penrod [1995-1997]) that helped me re-discover my favorite male artist from my childhood as well...Jonathan Pierce. Yeah, he was my favorite - still is.

Re-discovering GVB and Jonathan Pierce led me to find my new favorite author - Denise Hildreth. She has written five books and I have completed two of them. I am in the middle of one and I must say, they are the best books I have ever read. Her first book was the beginning of a series (in which I hope she writes more of) "Savannah from Savannah". That was followed by "Savannah Comes Undone" (which I am currently reading) and "Savannah By the Sea". "Flies on the Butter" was the first book I read by her and it's an amazing book. I couldn't put it down. Unfortunately, the last two books of hers I have read, I haven't had the pleasure of just sitting around reading so I am still working on one of them. The Will of Wisteria came out last October and I cannot wait to read it! Oh, you must be wondering how GVB and Jonathan Pierce led to Denise Hildreth. Check out past blogs. I am not sure which entry exactly but I think it's the blog entitled "Denise Hildreth". Anyway, she's an amazing woman of God and speaking with her the few times I have has been a true priviledge. Not many authors would reply to your emails let alone remember you when speak with them again. I advise you check out her books. Go check out her blog as well; it's amazing!

In July, I changed a lot about myself. I changed the way I care about what people think of me and I changed the way I dress (somewhat). I have a blog about this as well, if you would like to read it.

I decided that when I get ready to go somewhere, I am going to wear what I want. If I don't feel like dressing up, I won't. If I feel like dressing up, I will. If people make comments I am going to say, "Only I would, right?" and keep on going. On Friday of tax free weekend, I was at American Eagle stocking up and then right after that, I was in Finish Line buying a pair of Chuck Taylors. Only I would go from polos to Chuck Taylors. Right? LOL! I wore my Chuck Taylors with a skirt the other day and it was cute. If Miley Cyrus can do it, so can I.

Yesterday, something major changed in my life.

I moved out.

Yup. I moved out of Bill and Cindy's crib and am in the dorms at (the wonderful) Southeastern Bible College!!!! That's got to be the biggest change in my life so far this year. Dad is an emotional wreck (naturally) and mom is just a wreck. LOL! I'll be home some on the weekends (especially when dance starts up the second week of September) and dad is going to come take me to lunch every Tuesday when he is down for school. It's not like I have just vanished into thin air - I guess.

I know God is going to change a lot more in me, about me and around me before this year is over and I am fine with it. I want everything He wants for my life. I may not know what all that is (which is scary) but I have come to the point that it's all about Him and really, it doesn't matter about me. He knows what I want and if He thinks I need it, He'll give it to me. It's all about Him!
I love you guys, thanks for reading! Please comment. I would love to hear about some things God is changing in your lives!

Much love and many blessings,
Amber =)

P.S. Something else that has changed about me this obsession with Zac Efron. Everybody should be proud of me. I currently don't have an obsession. I do love those Jonas Brothers though!!! But I'm not obessed.

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