Friday, September 23, 2011


I've learned in my life that God really doesn't like contentment.

When I was 12, my dad decided to pastor and to be honest, I was perfectly content with my life at that time. It took me a while to become content with my life for the next two years but by the time I had become content with it, it was time for another change. When contentment finally came with my college situation, it was time to move to Birmingham...driving back and forth from Gadsden wasn't going to cut it anymore. By the time the first boyfriend rolled around, 9 months in I was so content I couldn't stand myself but that fall, everything changed!

Fall 2009 was when EJM came to visit (after their 2007 visit [an entirely new team]), I moved from Birmingham back home to Gadsden, my boyfriend broke up with me and I realized I was called to The Well with my spiritual leaders Blake & Stacey Sitz. Over the next four and a half months, my life drastically changed and by January 2010, I was back at SEBC...

The summer of 2010 I went back to The Well and by then, boyfriend number two had come into the picture. Before I knew it, he had walked out on me and I was letting people take advantage of my bitterness and hurt, which led me to leave The Well again. In the midst of all this, my dream of traveling the world, ministering the Gospel never died out. Prophecies over my life from people such as Blake, his brother Lane, and other people I've known who walk in the gift of the prophetic had all confirmed that was the Lord's plan for me - I just had to be patient and wait on His timing.

In February 2011, I went back to The Well part-time and by May I was full-time. I went back just to sing and ended up dancing again...which put joy back into my life that I thought I had lost. I finally began making deep friendships and really becoming content and things started to change. People started disliking my involvement at The Well, people were trying to pull me away and I started making some not so Amber-like decisions. Because of that, I got into some trouble with my parents but, things were made right and my life went back to semi-normal! Within days, I had a text from Eddie James, a dear family friend, inviting me to join EJM. I always told God, no matter what, when that door was opened that I'd walk through I did.

Within 24 hours I had packed up everything I would need for 3 months and left for Hamilton, Alabama. I only had enough time to say goodbye to my parents, Blake, Austin, Mandy, Krislyn and Cayson (all dear friends and fellow leaders at The Well) and the people at Family Christian (I still had to work that day - lol). It was a very emotional time for me and here, a week and a half later, I still miss home. Listening to people who have been here 6 months, even a year, I don't think that sentiment ever goes away. You always miss home.

God uprooted me and replanted me for a season, I don't know how long, but I'm going to learn all I can in this season to be able to go on to my next assignment when He's ready. I'm not sure as some others that my time at The Well is completely up...I feel there is going to be an in between stage between EJM and my next step and that The Well will be that resting place. That return home...whether for a month or a year...but for now, I am singing with Eddie James Ministries and ministering to people I only dreamed I would reach. This has been a dream in my heart/Spirit since I was 15/16 years old. To be able to live this out, is just a God thing. Only He could open the door and only He can shut it. So I ask that you pray for me as I am on this EJM journey. I left photography, I left dancing, I left a job I loved, I left my parents, I left a Spiritual family that I love and hold dearer than most of my family...for a short time I've even left singing (no singing until I learn all the music - lol). It's been painful and very uncomfortable but God doesn't like it when we are comfortable! Just remember, when you are comfortable, something is probably fixing to change!!!

"Say goodbye to my father, my mother, turn my back on every other lover but I press on! Yes I, press on! I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU - THERE IS NOT COST! I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU - THERE IS NO LOSS!" - Misty Edwards

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