Friday, September 16, 2011

My Story - in light of Exodus

This week for school, I had to write part of my testimony in light of 4 themes we see in Exodus and still compare things in my story to the Israelites. So, I thought I'd post it here on my blog! Enjoy :)

Redemption –

I remember vividly crying out to God back in 2009 for deliverance from depression. Like the Israelites, I allowed myself to become overtaken by the enemy and I became bound by a bondage I never thought would enter my life. My first boyfriend (we were together almost eleven months and I was promised to him) decided to breakup with me because I obeyed God in a certain situation in my life. At first, I kept my face set like flint on God’s face and wasn’t swayed by the circumstances but over time, the enemy crept in my mind and I was defeated (as the Israelites were when Moses hit the scene). It was a long three month battle until finally…

Liberation –

One Sunday night at my dad’s church in little Attalla, Alabama, I was set free! I had spent the weekend begging and pleading for God to move – I had to have freedom – and He heard my cries! Alter call was just for me and He used a dear friend to help lead me out. Just like Moses had to pray like there was no tomorrow for the Israelites – this wonderful woman of God prayed for me like there was no Monday! She did not really know what had been going on in my mind, but she began pleading the blood over my mind and it was not long before freedom came!

Sanctification/Identity –

Once I began walking in my freedom, I had to learn who I was in Christ all over again. I had to learn the simple things such as, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made…” all the way to the big things such as hearing His voice and ministering for His glory with no selfish ambitions/thoughts. I am sure the Israelites had to re-learn when their freedom came just as we have to today! They were so accustomed to slavery when their shackles were loosed, I am sure they had to learn to do things without fear. In Egypt, one wrong move or glance could get them beaten; even speaking while working could earn being whipped. It was in the “re-learning” process I realized that all I truly needed was God! Through my depression, I had turned to TV shows, food and people…when all I needed was to keep drawing near to God! After being taken into captivity, the Israelites eventually lost sight of God and started looking at things and situations around them. Once they were released from captivity, it took a very, very, very long time for them to find their identity in God and to trust Him again. Even after every miracle He performed for them – they would not trust Him. Trusting God after the miracle He performed for me – to pull me out of the captivity I was in – was easy! I still haven’t figured out how the Israelites could not REALLY get out of Egypt. I guess the old saying reigns true…

Revelation –

You can take the Israelite out of Egypt but you can’t take Egypt out of the Israelite. After freedom, the enemy tried to bind my mind more than once, but my relationship with God was so different. My focus was Him and His plan more than it ever had been! My life was not centered around TV shows or people – it was all about God. And now, two years later, my face has stayed fixed on His and He’s opened doors that I never dreamt possible!

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