Thursday, September 29, 2011

"It's How I Worship!"

I've decided to start posting some of my favorite pictures I've taken and write about them. Whatever the Lord leads, I'll write and so, I decided I'll just go through the album (on my desktop - BLOG PHOTOS) in order and, this was the first one :)

This picture was taken on my iPhone and I remember taking it one Saturday night at The Well, not long after Krislyn started painting during services. I didn't have my camera that night but there was something about her hands, covered in paint that sparked my Spirit. That night, instead of painting with her brushes, she painted with her hands and there was something so powerful to me about that.

I remember when she was posing for the picture, or possibly after I snapped it, Krislyn said, "It's how I worship," and it stirred my Spirit even more. When I sat down to edit the picture (because it was a no brainer that it would be edited) those words kept stirring over, and over in my heart. Editing it was easy as pie, the Lord led me the whole way and editing this picture changed my photography in every way...I looked at it as a way to worship, not just a way of earning a living. There where the "Uncommon Photography" watermark is, I put a fire flame...The Well and their "fire" infected my life. I used it on all The Well pictures after that, until Photoshop came along...but that fire flame changed my life forever (due to the fire that changed me at The Well).

"It's how I worship," was a powerful statement, and really got me thinking. How many times we go through our days, doing the same old, same old and not seeing it as a blessing from God in a new way to worship. I was enjoying photography, doing my regular gig at The Well, taking portraits, learning all about my DSLR and here comes "worship" in to the picture. Krislyn jolted something awake in my Spirit...I couldn't continue to look at photography as an art, or a way of life in the's a way to worship! I began taking pictures (at events/services) that would uplift believers (just like one of Krislyn's paintings would)'ll see them later on in this blog series ;)

So I challenge you to see what you're doing as a way to worship...drawing, skating, dancing...whatever! Do it for the glory of the Father! Do it to worship Him!

What do you do to worship Him?