Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Uganda & Israel is NEXT WEEK!


I hope this letter finds you doing well. I would like to take a moment and fill you in on the latest updates of Eddie James Ministries. Once again, the Lord has opened up some awesome opportunities for EJM to go across the world to share the gospel and love of Jesus Christ. Out of the many trips the Lord has given us the opportunity to be a part of, this is one of the most exciting, and here is why: On December 6th, 2011 we will be departing from America and travelling to Uganda, and Israel for an entire month! Below is a description of what we get the privilege to do in each nation:

UGANDA is going to be a very unique country to visit because of their hunger and expectancy for a move of God. Our trip coordinator, a local Ugandan, has expressed this hunger significantly. He mentions that the people will begin to walk from their homes a week before we even board a plane to enter the nation. They will walk for days in expectation of miracles, signs and wonders. We are expecting at least 50,000 people to attend each of these crusades.
We will also be doing outreach in the schools, churches, and orphanages of Uganda. These orphanages are homes to hundreds of children whose parents have died from AIDS. We get the opportunity to provide them with practical as well as spiritual needs. It is going to be life-changing!

This is the third tour that the team has taken to ISRAEL in the past year and a half; however, this trip will be very unique. We will be doing crusades with crowds of 10,000 people or more as well as street outreach. Our BIG event in Israel is on Christmas Eve. On December 24th, we will be performing live, broadcasted on NBC all over the world. There will be over 150,000 people in attendance, not counting the millions we get to reach through television. We will be ministering in Jesus' birthplace, Bethlehem, on the eve of His birthday! Please be sure to tune in if you can!

So, what's the bottom line?
Although you may never be afforded the opportunity to travel the nations and minister the love and gospel of Jesus Christ, it takes people like you to extend your hand to make it possible for EJM to go. By sowing into the ministry for this trip, you will be playing a major part in touching MILLIONS of lives. The total cost of the trip is $5000 per student. The deadline for the money is December 2nd, 2011. If you would like to play a part in making this trip a reality, simply call our headquarters at 256-476-4184. You can also donate through our website,www.ejworship.org. Thank you so much for all of your support financially and in prayer. This trip is only made possible by awesome supporters like you!

Peace and Blessing,
Eddie James

Thursday, November 24, 2011

What Am I thankful for? pt. 4

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I am so thankful today for you!!!!

I hope you had an amazing day and God blessed you beyond measure this year!!!

I know He has meeeeeee!!!!!

Much love and many blessings!!!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What Am I thankful for? pt. 3

November 17th - I assume that I am thankful for midnight bus rides :)

November 18th - I am thankful for Aviom systems I learned today. In-ear monitors are the bomb.com and I wish we had them at every church we go to.

November 19th - I am thankful for those moments you're pushed into a spot you're uncomfortable with but in the end, it brings out the best in you.

November 20th - I am thankful for the testy times when all you want to do is get fleshy but the Spirit rises up on the inside and you know in the end, getting fleshy isn't going to solve anything. That in the end, God will provide and take care of any and all situations.

November 21st - I am thankful for the moments that God knows what you really desire and what would make you feel better and He gives it to us...even when we don't deserve it!

November 22nd - I am thankful for mess ups (yes on platform) because you know why? It keeps us humble!!! :D

November 23rd - I am thankful for my parents...so very much. Sometimes I don't think they know I am - or believe me when I say I am - but I am. I love them so much...they mean everything to me!!!

Much love and many blessings...hope everyone has an amazing Thanksgiving tomorrow!!!!

Amber :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Eddie James Ministries Missions :)


I hope this letter finds you doing well. I would like to take a moment and fill you in on the latest updates of Eddie James Ministries. Once again, the Lord has opened up some awesome opportunities for EJM to go across the world to share the gospel and love of Jesus Christ. Out of the many trips the Lord has given us the opportunity to be a part of, this is one of the most exciting, and here is why: On December 6th, 2011 we will be departing from America and travelling to Uganda, and Israel for an entire month! Below is a description of what we get the privilege to do in each nation:

UGANDA is going to be a very unique country to visit because of their hunger and expectancy for a move of God. Our trip coordinator, a local Ugandan, has expressed this hunger significantly. He mentions that the people will begin to walk from their homes a week before we even board a plane to enter the nation. They will walk for days in expectation of miracles, signs and wonders. We are expecting at least 50,000 people to attend each of these crusades.
We will also be doing outreach in the schools, churches, and orphanages of Uganda. These orphanages are homes to hundreds of children whose parents have died from AIDS. We get the opportunity to provide them with practical as well as spiritual needs. It is going to be life-changing!

This is the third tour that the team has taken to ISRAEL in the past year and a half; however, this trip will be very unique. We will be doing crusades with crowds of 10,000 people or more as well as street outreach. Our BIG event in Israel is on Christmas Eve. On December 24th, we will be performing live, broadcasted on NBC all over the world. There will be over 150,000 people in attendance, not counting the millions we get to reach through television. We will be ministering in Jesus' birthplace, Bethlehem, on the eve of His birthday! Please be sure to tune in if you can!

So, what's the bottom line?
Although you may never be afforded the opportunity to travel the nations and minister the love and gospel of Jesus Christ, it takes people like you to extend your hand to make it possible for EJM to go. By sowing into the ministry for this trip, you will be playing a major part in touching MILLIONS of lives. The total cost of the trip is $5000 per student. The deadline for the money is December 2nd, 2011. If you would like to play a part in making this trip a reality, simply call our headquarters at 256-476-4184. You can also donate through our website,www.ejworship.org. Thank you so much for all of your support financially and in prayer. This trip is only made possible by awesome supporters like you!

Peace and Blessing,
Eddie James

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What am I thankful for? pt. 2

November 9th - I am thankful for coats and closed toe shoes (aka boots) on rainy days such as this one :)

I am also thankful for those nights that are almost an all-nighter and you just get girl time in with your girl friends. Us EJM girls have the best "almost all-nighters" :) haha.

November 10th - I am so thankful for challenging vocal rehearsals! And that's about all I know. haha.

November 11th - I am thankful for those people God sends in to your life at just the right time and your taken by surprise and they just totally amaze you. They're some of the most amazing people of God...and you're like...where have you been all my life? haha.

November 12th - I am thankful for the Church of God denomination - it is what established me in my walk with the Lord and taught me a lot of what I know today. Yes I give a lot of credit to SEBC and Lee U for most of what I believe today, I still learned a lot in the COG!

November 13th - I'm thankful for the Word of God :)

Yup! The B-I-B-L-E :)

November 14th - I'm thankful that God knows the desires of our hearts and every now and again, He gives us those desires.

He has always known what my dreams, ambitions and goals in life were...and are...and it's like daily one is fulfilled.

It's the age of fulfilled visions y'all!!!!!

November 15th - I am thankful for girls day with the EJM girls :)

And RedBox just has to be the best invention on the planet!

November 16th - I am thankful for the "sigh" moments... :D

Much love and many blessings,
Amber :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I am super thankful for...

...my first good shot.

I remember taking this picture, it was December 28th...or wait! Maybe the 30th?!?! Ok, I may not remember the date but I remember taking the picture :)

Brannigan was my first model-ish shoot when I started my photography business...she's still a regular of mine to this day. She takes the best pictures, I love all the work I have done with her. I just remember how cold it was outside and how uncomfortable I was because I had on my jeggings. They were a pain that day...but anyway...we were at the docks in Gadsden and I saw a picnic table and was like, "that's it!" I put her down in the grass with her guitar (going for the Taylor Swift look but in our own way) and started shooting. This is still my most popular portrait I've taken to this day...almost a year later!

Photography is my heart and passion and I miss it so very much out here on the road! I can't wait to return home for the Christmas break and play with my camera as much as possible!

Pray for me as I finish out the rest of November and prepare to return home for December!!!

Much love and many blessings,
Amber :)

P.S. No, this is not my thankful for today...it's just a thankful blog!!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What am I thankful for?

Usually, I write one big blog on Thanksgiving day and post it on Facebook but, because I am on a Facebook fast, I've decided to post every day in my Evernote and then as I have time, paste them all in a blog here...so...here are my first few!!

November 1st - I am thankful for Jesus - and all He has done for me!

He didn't have to die for me, but He did! He loved me when I was unloveable and has saved my life on so many occasions I can't even count them all.

I just wanna go all Madea up in here :)

November 2nd - I am thankful for Christmas music - and the challenge of learning Eddie James' Christmas music :)

November 3rd - I am thankful that God is THE healer!!!!!!!! Hallelujah!!!!!!!

My mom found a spot on her back that appeared to be a possible skin cancer. She had skin cancers removed before I was born...I was really scared when I found out. The EJM road team and some close friends and I were praying the couple of days leading into her going to the doctor. The night before she was going to the doctor, the spot on her back fell off :) when she got to the doctor he told her it was a waste of time and gave her the money she had paid back!!!!!!! GOD IS THE HEALERRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 4th - I'm thankful for knowing Dr. Gary Greene! He impacted my life in ways he never knew, and I still think of him often. It's hard to believe he's been gone over a year now. He's was one of my favorite professors...and always will be! I think of his classes often and how I enjoyed them...even when it was super challenging. I miss SEBC and all my friends and professors there...but another thing I am thankful for is knowing I am where God has me at this time in my life!

November 5th - I am thankful for Godly friends who are there when you need them most. Those people who have your back...and you've got theirs. They're like your siblings...not just friends. They tell you the truth of what they're sensing God is saying and they call you out in love...not trying to make themselves look good. Those friends you know you can go to with ANYTHING!

November 6th - I am so thankful for feeling at home - even when I'm hundreds of miles away! :)

I fell in love with North Carolina and felt at home in a way I haven't felt since I joined EJM back in September! I love NC and can't wait to go back - hopefully soon!!!

November 7th - I am thankful for the fact that God goes before us and takes care of situations before we face them (whether we know of the situation or not). I am thankful that He goes after us in situations and helps clean our messes up. Sometimes, I sit back and go, "Wow God! Only you!" :) He just blows my mind and I am so thankful He loves us NO MATTER WHERE WE ARE AND NO MATTER WHAT WE'VE DONE!!!

November 8th - I am thankful for those trying, testing moments. The ones you don't think you're going to make it through and you really want to throw in the towel but something on the inside won't let you? Yeah, those moments...I'm thankful for. You know why? Because they make us stronger!

Ok. That's all for now. Check back in a week or so - they'll be more!!! :)

Much love and many blessings,
Amber :)