Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Denise Hildreth...

...is now one of my favorite authors. I discovered her not only by one of my other favorite Christian authors, Robin Jones Gunn, but I got to looking at something about Jonathan Pierce and come to find out, that's his wife. Sadly, I found out that Denise and Jonathan divorced last year. It really upset me because they had been married since 1994. I was looking at an old interview with Denise earlier (I think it was from about 2005 or 2006) and it really upset me. I was on the brink of tears and all I could do was pray for the two of them. I have no idea why they divorced and really, it's none of my business and don't care (well I do care but you know what I mean) but when I found this from this interview, it really hurt me on the inside...

Question - "You've said that you wrote Savannah from Savannah during one of the darkest times of your life. Your husband, Jonathan, has also mentioned the storms you two have experienced. Some of our readers may be going through difficult times of their own right now, either personally, or in their marriages. What advice would you give couples trying to stay in love through the dark storms of life?"

Answer - "You know, when Jonathan and I finally faced the elephants in the room, I knew a few things. I knew first that this was the man God made for me. And if I hadn't thought it before I married him, it became true the day I married him. God had also spoken a promise in my heart that I was not to give up on the brink of my miracle. That miracle for me was a whole marriage. I held onto that hope. Even when everything was telling me our marriage wouldn't last, I knew it would. I also made the decision that in light of eternity, the situation in my marriage was a temporal issue. So, I surrounded myself with people that spoke life. And closed out every voice that would try to speak death over my home. And then I held on for the roller coaster ride. And a roller coaster ride it was. But do you know what? Today, a little over two years after we renewed our marriage vows, I have a beautiful marriage. A marriage I fought nine years to have. So my words to those feeling lost or hopeless, or just plain tired…hold on. God isn't out of touch with your situation. He is faithful to perfect all that concerns you. And you are not to throw away your confidence because it will be richly rewarded. If you persevere in doing the will of God then you will receive all that He has promised."

This really upset me and hurt me down deep. After spending thirteen years of your life with somebody, and knowing they are the one and then bam! Divorce. It kills me that my new favorite author and my favorite male singer since I was like, six, are no more. It's really sad.

I just had to write about this situation, and ask you all to pray for Denise and Jonathan. I have no idea where they are right now, or what they are going through, but pray for them.

I just had to obey my heart and God. Much love and blessings! Amber =)


Anonymous said...

how do you know about denise and jonathan? do you know why they divorced? what is jonathan up to these days? has he given up on music?

Anonymous said...

I just came to that conclusion today too about them being divorced. I have Denise on my facebook friends account and she is listed as single. I was shocked!

Anonymous said...

Jonathan and Denise are both friends of mine, and Denise, I still have contact with. Your prayers are greatly appreciated I'm sure and I can say that Denise is still writing, from richer experience, a deeper love for God, and a greater love for God's children than ever before. She is a mighty with much humility. Bless you.

Anonymous said...

When people divorce, you can look at who's happy about it and who is not. One may seem to struggle with life and, perhaps, just can't seem to "go on as usual" while the other may feel free to be that person they "were always meant to be." It tells the story of the heart within each.

Anonymous said...

Denise was married again over the weekend. Yes, divorce is tragic but none the less it does not destroy a person unless you allow it too. Go to her website and read her journey. It has been a rough one and one that she chronicled in her book to come out in 2011, titled Flying Solo. www.denisehildreth.com

Anonymous said...

Yes, they are divorced. Denise is happily remarried as of about two weeks ago. Suffice to say that the divorce happened for very Biblical reasons. She has been gracious to not speak of the whole story publicly and it would ruin Jonathan's image if the whole truth ever came out. Know that God does redeem all things, though.

Unknown said...

re: Anonymous post May-10:
RE your "anonymous comment"..."She has been gracious to not speak of the whole story publicly and it would ruin Jonathan's image if the whole truth ever came out..."

If you really cared about not ruining Jonathan's image you wouldn't have "got your message out there" through insinuations - you would have said nothing!

Anonymous said...

Denise has never been happier and she has an amazing man at her side. If you truly want to know the heart of this incredible lady read any of her books and since you feel it necessary to blog about her divorce make sure you read Flying Solo. Please do not be to quick to judge - extend mercy.

Mary said...

Sue- Jonathan ruined his own image. Truth be told it is not an image he needs!

Anonymous said...

Another Christian man falling from Grace,he and michael english can compare notes,but God is a forgiving God,so hopefully he will will ask for his mercy and forgiveness.

Anonymous said...

Ummm, he and Michael English cannot compare notes. While they both fell into sexual sin, Jonathan's was more of an abomination that Michael's. Furthermore, ME was at least honest about his sin and the exact nature of it. That is the picture of true humility and repentance.

Denise said...

After watching Jonathan Pierce on his design show on HGTV, it is quite obvious he is a gay man.

I was a huge fan of his but sadly I can't say that now. A very sad revelation for me.