Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Uganda & Israel is NEXT WEEK!


I hope this letter finds you doing well. I would like to take a moment and fill you in on the latest updates of Eddie James Ministries. Once again, the Lord has opened up some awesome opportunities for EJM to go across the world to share the gospel and love of Jesus Christ. Out of the many trips the Lord has given us the opportunity to be a part of, this is one of the most exciting, and here is why: On December 6th, 2011 we will be departing from America and travelling to Uganda, and Israel for an entire month! Below is a description of what we get the privilege to do in each nation:

UGANDA is going to be a very unique country to visit because of their hunger and expectancy for a move of God. Our trip coordinator, a local Ugandan, has expressed this hunger significantly. He mentions that the people will begin to walk from their homes a week before we even board a plane to enter the nation. They will walk for days in expectation of miracles, signs and wonders. We are expecting at least 50,000 people to attend each of these crusades.
We will also be doing outreach in the schools, churches, and orphanages of Uganda. These orphanages are homes to hundreds of children whose parents have died from AIDS. We get the opportunity to provide them with practical as well as spiritual needs. It is going to be life-changing!

This is the third tour that the team has taken to ISRAEL in the past year and a half; however, this trip will be very unique. We will be doing crusades with crowds of 10,000 people or more as well as street outreach. Our BIG event in Israel is on Christmas Eve. On December 24th, we will be performing live, broadcasted on NBC all over the world. There will be over 150,000 people in attendance, not counting the millions we get to reach through television. We will be ministering in Jesus' birthplace, Bethlehem, on the eve of His birthday! Please be sure to tune in if you can!

So, what's the bottom line?
Although you may never be afforded the opportunity to travel the nations and minister the love and gospel of Jesus Christ, it takes people like you to extend your hand to make it possible for EJM to go. By sowing into the ministry for this trip, you will be playing a major part in touching MILLIONS of lives. The total cost of the trip is $5000 per student. The deadline for the money is December 2nd, 2011. If you would like to play a part in making this trip a reality, simply call our headquarters at 256-476-4184. You can also donate through our website,www.ejworship.org. Thank you so much for all of your support financially and in prayer. This trip is only made possible by awesome supporters like you!

Peace and Blessing,
Eddie James

Thursday, November 24, 2011

What Am I thankful for? pt. 4

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I am so thankful today for you!!!!

I hope you had an amazing day and God blessed you beyond measure this year!!!

I know He has meeeeeee!!!!!

Much love and many blessings!!!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What Am I thankful for? pt. 3

November 17th - I assume that I am thankful for midnight bus rides :)

November 18th - I am thankful for Aviom systems I learned today. In-ear monitors are the bomb.com and I wish we had them at every church we go to.

November 19th - I am thankful for those moments you're pushed into a spot you're uncomfortable with but in the end, it brings out the best in you.

November 20th - I am thankful for the testy times when all you want to do is get fleshy but the Spirit rises up on the inside and you know in the end, getting fleshy isn't going to solve anything. That in the end, God will provide and take care of any and all situations.

November 21st - I am thankful for the moments that God knows what you really desire and what would make you feel better and He gives it to us...even when we don't deserve it!

November 22nd - I am thankful for mess ups (yes on platform) because you know why? It keeps us humble!!! :D

November 23rd - I am thankful for my parents...so very much. Sometimes I don't think they know I am - or believe me when I say I am - but I am. I love them so much...they mean everything to me!!!

Much love and many blessings...hope everyone has an amazing Thanksgiving tomorrow!!!!

Amber :)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Eddie James Ministries Missions :)


I hope this letter finds you doing well. I would like to take a moment and fill you in on the latest updates of Eddie James Ministries. Once again, the Lord has opened up some awesome opportunities for EJM to go across the world to share the gospel and love of Jesus Christ. Out of the many trips the Lord has given us the opportunity to be a part of, this is one of the most exciting, and here is why: On December 6th, 2011 we will be departing from America and travelling to Uganda, and Israel for an entire month! Below is a description of what we get the privilege to do in each nation:

UGANDA is going to be a very unique country to visit because of their hunger and expectancy for a move of God. Our trip coordinator, a local Ugandan, has expressed this hunger significantly. He mentions that the people will begin to walk from their homes a week before we even board a plane to enter the nation. They will walk for days in expectation of miracles, signs and wonders. We are expecting at least 50,000 people to attend each of these crusades.
We will also be doing outreach in the schools, churches, and orphanages of Uganda. These orphanages are homes to hundreds of children whose parents have died from AIDS. We get the opportunity to provide them with practical as well as spiritual needs. It is going to be life-changing!

This is the third tour that the team has taken to ISRAEL in the past year and a half; however, this trip will be very unique. We will be doing crusades with crowds of 10,000 people or more as well as street outreach. Our BIG event in Israel is on Christmas Eve. On December 24th, we will be performing live, broadcasted on NBC all over the world. There will be over 150,000 people in attendance, not counting the millions we get to reach through television. We will be ministering in Jesus' birthplace, Bethlehem, on the eve of His birthday! Please be sure to tune in if you can!

So, what's the bottom line?
Although you may never be afforded the opportunity to travel the nations and minister the love and gospel of Jesus Christ, it takes people like you to extend your hand to make it possible for EJM to go. By sowing into the ministry for this trip, you will be playing a major part in touching MILLIONS of lives. The total cost of the trip is $5000 per student. The deadline for the money is December 2nd, 2011. If you would like to play a part in making this trip a reality, simply call our headquarters at 256-476-4184. You can also donate through our website,www.ejworship.org. Thank you so much for all of your support financially and in prayer. This trip is only made possible by awesome supporters like you!

Peace and Blessing,
Eddie James

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What am I thankful for? pt. 2

November 9th - I am thankful for coats and closed toe shoes (aka boots) on rainy days such as this one :)

I am also thankful for those nights that are almost an all-nighter and you just get girl time in with your girl friends. Us EJM girls have the best "almost all-nighters" :) haha.

November 10th - I am so thankful for challenging vocal rehearsals! And that's about all I know. haha.

November 11th - I am thankful for those people God sends in to your life at just the right time and your taken by surprise and they just totally amaze you. They're some of the most amazing people of God...and you're like...where have you been all my life? haha.

November 12th - I am thankful for the Church of God denomination - it is what established me in my walk with the Lord and taught me a lot of what I know today. Yes I give a lot of credit to SEBC and Lee U for most of what I believe today, I still learned a lot in the COG!

November 13th - I'm thankful for the Word of God :)

Yup! The B-I-B-L-E :)

November 14th - I'm thankful that God knows the desires of our hearts and every now and again, He gives us those desires.

He has always known what my dreams, ambitions and goals in life were...and are...and it's like daily one is fulfilled.

It's the age of fulfilled visions y'all!!!!!

November 15th - I am thankful for girls day with the EJM girls :)

And RedBox just has to be the best invention on the planet!

November 16th - I am thankful for the "sigh" moments... :D

Much love and many blessings,
Amber :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I am super thankful for...

...my first good shot.

I remember taking this picture, it was December 28th...or wait! Maybe the 30th?!?! Ok, I may not remember the date but I remember taking the picture :)

Brannigan was my first model-ish shoot when I started my photography business...she's still a regular of mine to this day. She takes the best pictures, I love all the work I have done with her. I just remember how cold it was outside and how uncomfortable I was because I had on my jeggings. They were a pain that day...but anyway...we were at the docks in Gadsden and I saw a picnic table and was like, "that's it!" I put her down in the grass with her guitar (going for the Taylor Swift look but in our own way) and started shooting. This is still my most popular portrait I've taken to this day...almost a year later!

Photography is my heart and passion and I miss it so very much out here on the road! I can't wait to return home for the Christmas break and play with my camera as much as possible!

Pray for me as I finish out the rest of November and prepare to return home for December!!!

Much love and many blessings,
Amber :)

P.S. No, this is not my thankful for today...it's just a thankful blog!!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What am I thankful for?

Usually, I write one big blog on Thanksgiving day and post it on Facebook but, because I am on a Facebook fast, I've decided to post every day in my Evernote and then as I have time, paste them all in a blog here...so...here are my first few!!

November 1st - I am thankful for Jesus - and all He has done for me!

He didn't have to die for me, but He did! He loved me when I was unloveable and has saved my life on so many occasions I can't even count them all.

I just wanna go all Madea up in here :)

November 2nd - I am thankful for Christmas music - and the challenge of learning Eddie James' Christmas music :)

November 3rd - I am thankful that God is THE healer!!!!!!!! Hallelujah!!!!!!!

My mom found a spot on her back that appeared to be a possible skin cancer. She had skin cancers removed before I was born...I was really scared when I found out. The EJM road team and some close friends and I were praying the couple of days leading into her going to the doctor. The night before she was going to the doctor, the spot on her back fell off :) when she got to the doctor he told her it was a waste of time and gave her the money she had paid back!!!!!!! GOD IS THE HEALERRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 4th - I'm thankful for knowing Dr. Gary Greene! He impacted my life in ways he never knew, and I still think of him often. It's hard to believe he's been gone over a year now. He's was one of my favorite professors...and always will be! I think of his classes often and how I enjoyed them...even when it was super challenging. I miss SEBC and all my friends and professors there...but another thing I am thankful for is knowing I am where God has me at this time in my life!

November 5th - I am thankful for Godly friends who are there when you need them most. Those people who have your back...and you've got theirs. They're like your siblings...not just friends. They tell you the truth of what they're sensing God is saying and they call you out in love...not trying to make themselves look good. Those friends you know you can go to with ANYTHING!

November 6th - I am so thankful for feeling at home - even when I'm hundreds of miles away! :)

I fell in love with North Carolina and felt at home in a way I haven't felt since I joined EJM back in September! I love NC and can't wait to go back - hopefully soon!!!

November 7th - I am thankful for the fact that God goes before us and takes care of situations before we face them (whether we know of the situation or not). I am thankful that He goes after us in situations and helps clean our messes up. Sometimes, I sit back and go, "Wow God! Only you!" :) He just blows my mind and I am so thankful He loves us NO MATTER WHERE WE ARE AND NO MATTER WHAT WE'VE DONE!!!

November 8th - I am thankful for those trying, testing moments. The ones you don't think you're going to make it through and you really want to throw in the towel but something on the inside won't let you? Yeah, those moments...I'm thankful for. You know why? Because they make us stronger!

Ok. That's all for now. Check back in a week or so - they'll be more!!! :)

Much love and many blessings,
Amber :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October 26, 2001...

...is a day I will never forget. It was that day I experienced my first real sense of loss, at the age of eleven.

My mom's sister who had been struggling with cancer since I was nine-years-old, died.

I remember the phone call, I remember my mom's face; her voice; her reaction to the news. My heart literally stopped beating for a second...I couldn't cry. My aunt Linda was like, everything to my mom and I. Since she had received Christ that year, she and my mom were closer than ever. I am so glad she gave her life to Christ because I know, I'll see her again one day!

I didn't cry until we got to the funeral home for her visitation...when I saw her in the casket and I saw my cousin, David (her son) crying, I lost it and I literally did not stop until after the funeral the next day. When they closed the casket there was no holding it in. My cousin, Sali and I cried and sobbed through the entire funeral. I had never experienced such loss.

I got a keepsake at aunt Linda's funeral that I still have to this day! His name is Arney and he's a stuffed lion. My children's Pastor at that time, Sis. Brenda, gave him to me for "strength and faith" and yes, ten years later at the age of twenty-one I still look to the little lion when I need a reminder of those things.

I just think about what life would've been like had God not called my dear aunt home. But I know God had a plan in that...and I know I'll see her one day!!!

I just wanted to write about her...dear aunt Linda was an amazing woman and is greatly missed!

Much love and many blessings,
Amber :)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fall in Tennesee :)

I took this picture last October in Gatlinburg, Tennessee! I had the honor of serving on the Student Council leadership team my last full year at Southeastern Bible College (I was the Vice-President in the Fall semester and President in the Spring semester) and during our Fall semester, we had the opportunity to go on a Leadership retreat and I must say, it was one of the most fun experiences I've had so far in my 21 years! Three days in Gatlinburg was fun and just the time with my friends was amazing but what made it so awesome was that it was my first trip with my new camera :)

This is one of my favorite pictures I've ever taken and it was taken in the backseat of our Dean of Students' SUV on our way back to Alabama! Tennessee is beautiful and I advise ANY PHOTOGRAPHER (whether a amateur or a professional) to go there and play with their fall colors and just, the beauty God put in that state!

Even now, traveling on the road with EJM, Tennessee is where I always wish I had my camera...thank God for an iPhone, right? :)

Much love and many blessings,
Amber :)

P.S. I took these in Johnson City, TN with the team this a couple of weekends ago.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

"It's How I Worship!"

I've decided to start posting some of my favorite pictures I've taken and write about them. Whatever the Lord leads, I'll write and so, I decided I'll just go through the album (on my desktop - BLOG PHOTOS) in order and, this was the first one :)

This picture was taken on my iPhone and I remember taking it one Saturday night at The Well, not long after Krislyn started painting during services. I didn't have my camera that night but there was something about her hands, covered in paint that sparked my Spirit. That night, instead of painting with her brushes, she painted with her hands and there was something so powerful to me about that.

I remember when she was posing for the picture, or possibly after I snapped it, Krislyn said, "It's how I worship," and it stirred my Spirit even more. When I sat down to edit the picture (because it was a no brainer that it would be edited) those words kept stirring over, and over in my heart. Editing it was easy as pie, the Lord led me the whole way and editing this picture changed my photography in every way...I looked at it as a way to worship, not just a way of earning a living. There where the "Uncommon Photography" watermark is, I put a fire flame...The Well and their "fire" infected my life. I used it on all The Well pictures after that, until Photoshop came along...but that fire flame changed my life forever (due to the fire that changed me at The Well).

"It's how I worship," was a powerful statement, and really got me thinking. How many times we go through our days, doing the same old, same old and not seeing it as a blessing from God in a new way to worship. I was enjoying photography, doing my regular gig at The Well, taking portraits, learning all about my DSLR and here comes "worship" in to the picture. Krislyn jolted something awake in my Spirit...I couldn't continue to look at photography as an art, or a way of life in the future...it's a way to worship! I began taking pictures (at events/services) that would uplift believers (just like one of Krislyn's paintings would)...you'll see them later on in this blog series ;)

So I challenge you to see what you're doing as a way to worship...drawing, skating, dancing...whatever! Do it for the glory of the Father! Do it to worship Him!

What do you do to worship Him?

Monday, September 26, 2011


Hey guys! If you want to keep up with me, come on over to Skype :)

Not only will I be posting regularly on here but occasionally I'll be on Skype! I've taught the parentals how to use it and I talk to my best friends on it so...add me :)

Crimsntidegrl is my screen name :)

Much love and many blessings.
Amber :)

Friday, September 23, 2011


I've learned in my life that God really doesn't like contentment.

When I was 12, my dad decided to pastor and to be honest, I was perfectly content with my life at that time. It took me a while to become content with my life for the next two years but by the time I had become content with it, it was time for another change. When contentment finally came with my college situation, it was time to move to Birmingham...driving back and forth from Gadsden wasn't going to cut it anymore. By the time the first boyfriend rolled around, 9 months in I was so content I couldn't stand myself but that fall, everything changed!

Fall 2009 was when EJM came to visit (after their 2007 visit [an entirely new team]), I moved from Birmingham back home to Gadsden, my boyfriend broke up with me and I realized I was called to The Well with my spiritual leaders Blake & Stacey Sitz. Over the next four and a half months, my life drastically changed and by January 2010, I was back at SEBC...

The summer of 2010 I went back to The Well and by then, boyfriend number two had come into the picture. Before I knew it, he had walked out on me and I was letting people take advantage of my bitterness and hurt, which led me to leave The Well again. In the midst of all this, my dream of traveling the world, ministering the Gospel never died out. Prophecies over my life from people such as Blake, his brother Lane, and other people I've known who walk in the gift of the prophetic had all confirmed that was the Lord's plan for me - I just had to be patient and wait on His timing.

In February 2011, I went back to The Well part-time and by May I was full-time. I went back just to sing and ended up dancing again...which put joy back into my life that I thought I had lost. I finally began making deep friendships and really becoming content and things started to change. People started disliking my involvement at The Well, people were trying to pull me away and I started making some not so Amber-like decisions. Because of that, I got into some trouble with my parents but, things were made right and my life went back to semi-normal! Within days, I had a text from Eddie James, a dear family friend, inviting me to join EJM. I always told God, no matter what, when that door was opened that I'd walk through it...so I did.

Within 24 hours I had packed up everything I would need for 3 months and left for Hamilton, Alabama. I only had enough time to say goodbye to my parents, Blake, Austin, Mandy, Krislyn and Cayson (all dear friends and fellow leaders at The Well) and the people at Family Christian (I still had to work that day - lol). It was a very emotional time for me and here, a week and a half later, I still miss home. Listening to people who have been here 6 months, even a year, I don't think that sentiment ever goes away. You always miss home.

God uprooted me and replanted me for a season, I don't know how long, but I'm going to learn all I can in this season to be able to go on to my next assignment when He's ready. I'm not sure as some others that my time at The Well is completely up...I feel there is going to be an in between stage between EJM and my next step and that The Well will be that resting place. That return home...whether for a month or a year...but for now, I am singing with Eddie James Ministries and ministering to people I only dreamed I would reach. This has been a dream in my heart/Spirit since I was 15/16 years old. To be able to live this out, is just a God thing. Only He could open the door and only He can shut it. So I ask that you pray for me as I am on this EJM journey. I left photography, I left dancing, I left a job I loved, I left my parents, I left a Spiritual family that I love and hold dearer than most of my family...for a short time I've even left singing (no singing until I learn all the music - lol). It's been painful and very uncomfortable but God doesn't like it when we are comfortable! Just remember, when you are comfortable, something is probably fixing to change!!!

"Say goodbye to my father, my mother, turn my back on every other lover but I press on! Yes I, press on! I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU - THERE IS NOT COST! I AM IN LOVE WITH YOU - THERE IS NO LOSS!" - Misty Edwards

Friday, September 16, 2011

My Story - in light of Exodus

This week for school, I had to write part of my testimony in light of 4 themes we see in Exodus and still compare things in my story to the Israelites. So, I thought I'd post it here on my blog! Enjoy :)

Redemption –

I remember vividly crying out to God back in 2009 for deliverance from depression. Like the Israelites, I allowed myself to become overtaken by the enemy and I became bound by a bondage I never thought would enter my life. My first boyfriend (we were together almost eleven months and I was promised to him) decided to breakup with me because I obeyed God in a certain situation in my life. At first, I kept my face set like flint on God’s face and wasn’t swayed by the circumstances but over time, the enemy crept in my mind and I was defeated (as the Israelites were when Moses hit the scene). It was a long three month battle until finally…

Liberation –

One Sunday night at my dad’s church in little Attalla, Alabama, I was set free! I had spent the weekend begging and pleading for God to move – I had to have freedom – and He heard my cries! Alter call was just for me and He used a dear friend to help lead me out. Just like Moses had to pray like there was no tomorrow for the Israelites – this wonderful woman of God prayed for me like there was no Monday! She did not really know what had been going on in my mind, but she began pleading the blood over my mind and it was not long before freedom came!

Sanctification/Identity –

Once I began walking in my freedom, I had to learn who I was in Christ all over again. I had to learn the simple things such as, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made…” all the way to the big things such as hearing His voice and ministering for His glory with no selfish ambitions/thoughts. I am sure the Israelites had to re-learn when their freedom came just as we have to today! They were so accustomed to slavery when their shackles were loosed, I am sure they had to learn to do things without fear. In Egypt, one wrong move or glance could get them beaten; even speaking while working could earn being whipped. It was in the “re-learning” process I realized that all I truly needed was God! Through my depression, I had turned to TV shows, food and people…when all I needed was to keep drawing near to God! After being taken into captivity, the Israelites eventually lost sight of God and started looking at things and situations around them. Once they were released from captivity, it took a very, very, very long time for them to find their identity in God and to trust Him again. Even after every miracle He performed for them – they would not trust Him. Trusting God after the miracle He performed for me – to pull me out of the captivity I was in – was easy! I still haven’t figured out how the Israelites could not REALLY get out of Egypt. I guess the old saying reigns true…

Revelation –

You can take the Israelite out of Egypt but you can’t take Egypt out of the Israelite. After freedom, the enemy tried to bind my mind more than once, but my relationship with God was so different. My focus was Him and His plan more than it ever had been! My life was not centered around TV shows or people – it was all about God. And now, two years later, my face has stayed fixed on His and He’s opened doors that I never dreamt possible!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


It's a big word with a small meaning. In the south, it simply means to think back. After the death of my dear friend Daq last week, I've had plenty of time to think back; to think about my regrets and how I wish I could redo my February-April 2011 with every ounce of EVERYTHING within me! I wish I was returning to SEBC this week for my last semester (or two)...but I'm not. Why some things have happened in my life, I'll never know but...for some reason...God has been teaching me things lately that I apparently had yet to learn.

I've taken advantage of so many amazing opportunities in my life and let so many people down...and hurt people...and thinking about it today, it broke my heart. I allowed my circumstances to control my emotions which controlled my life and the last six months have just plain sucked because of it.

To all those I hurt, or let down; I am so sorry! I never meant to hurt you or to ever let you down! I know how it feels, and it's crummy! More than likely, I love you very much and definitely would never do anything to hurt anyone...but I know that sometimes things are done unintentionally and on my part...it was definitely unintentional!

Prayers are appreciated and I ask that you please pray for Daq's family and friends! Continue to pray for SEBC as well; to lose a professor one year and a student the next, it's a tough thing! My friends there mean the world to me and I just ask that you lift them up in your prayers!

Much love and many blessings,
Amber <3

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Saying goodbye...

...to someone dear to your heart is one of the hardest things to do.

I found out yesterday that my dear friend Daq from Southeastern Bible College passed away. He was 26-years-old and suffered a heart-attack. I just talked to him on the phone about a photo shoot last week...my heart is still breaking.

This time last year, we were grieving the loss of our dear professor, Dr. Gary Greene who passed from a heart-attack in his office there at SEBC. I remember like it was yesterday...losing people dear to you, makes you realize who you truly love and what your priorities are.

I love SEBC and it'll always be a very special place to me and to suffer this loss, is very painful. Please pray for SEBC and the Weatherspoon family!

So, back to priorities...what are yours? Is it running around trying to please people or is accomplishing God's Will for you on this earth?!?!? Daq's last statement on his bio on Twitter read - "I just want to be used Lord...Let me be your vessel." How many of us really have that desire? I know one thing, that is my heart...all I want is to be His vessel and do whatever it is He's called me to!

My priority in life right now, is to make sure the people I love - KNOW IT! To graduate - FINALLY! And, to do what God has called me to and, for the time being, I am called to The Well Worship Encounter in Gadsden, Alabama and until He says otherwise (no matter if it's 6 months, 5 years or 20 years), I'll be there! No matter what! And finally, last but not least, I make it priority to serve God with everything within me - to never back down.

What are your priorities? It may be time to get those in check ;)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A lot has happened in 8 months...

...and I'm gonna do my best to include it all.

The main events of the last 8 months was that my ex from last summer came back into my life back in February "all in" and in March, we got engaged. He claimed he was ready and he "knew it was right" and in April, through a letter, he broke our engagement off. Not only did he call it off, he completely broke up with me. In the last year knowing him, the main thing I've learned is that promises are ALWAYS broken when it comes to humans...I'm so glad God never breaks His promises! It was the hardest three months of my life but I always knew that God had me in the palm of His hand and His plan would come to pass for my life.

Two weeks ago, while at the Judah conference in Orlando, Florida with my mom and three of my Spiritual parents, God finally set me free of all the pain, the disappointment, the bitterness and junk that I had been harboring! In those two weeks, the enemy has used a couple of people to try and get me back where I was but I am determined to hold out and do this...with the power of God pushing me along!

Joshua is doing what he feels God wants him to do right now and I am doing what I know God wants me to do right now. In the meantime, I'm so thankful for the friends that have been there for me! Prayers are still needed and appreciated... Only God knows what shall come to pass and I trust His sovereign hand!

The week before Joshua waltzed back into my life, I went and made things right with my Spiritual dad, Blake and the ministry he's a director of here in Gadsden, called The Well! I am so glad I did that because if it hadn't been for The Well the past few months, I don't know if I would've made it. The Lord has used Blake and the other Senior leaders (Stacey, Lane, Randy, Craig and Reed) in such a strong and mighty way. And my fellow Associate leaders will probably never know how they've impacted my life! Last year when we broke up, I eventually left The Well because I allowed outside voices to pull me. I was vulnerable and they knew it. This time, in spite of the embarrassment and pain, I have stayed because I know God has called me to that place!

I recently became the Worship leader alongside my poppa Blake and that's one thing that the Lord used while at Judah to transform me. Just remember the feelings, the way the Lord moved, it makes me want to cry. Who knows...I may when I'm finished writing this! haha. We've also started a worship dance team called Kadesh and it's my baby. Just this past Sunday night, God shifted something within me about it. I can't wait for us to start ministering...God is up to something!

When Joshua left me, I became seriously ill. I lost 15 pounds because I couldn't eat...three weeks that went on. Because of my being sick, I missed more classes at SEBC than I was allowed and so, I pulled out because I was going to flunk. It was a hard decision, but it had to be done. I have since transferred to Lee University and am going to be able to finish my Music degree online! I am very excited...though I am already missing my friends at SEBC more than I thought I would. I actually miss Birmingham! haha.

I transferred to the Family Christian Store in Gadsden (which was a total God thing) and have been working there. I wasn't able to work any camps this year but Judah 2011 was totally worth the sacrifice. I missed my girls and missed the Camp Utopia/Pathway Campground experience but...God transformed me and that obedience was so much better than the sacrifice! Poppa Blake and poppa Lane say that all the time..."Obedience is better than sacrifice" - and it's so true!

I'm going to start using this blog for photography purposes as well as continue to pop in occasionally for personal purposes. I'm beginning to take my photography very serious and hope to be a professional one day!!!

Much love and many blessings,

Amber Nicole Smith

P.S. Make sure to check The Well - Gadsden out! Our website is www.thewellgadsden.org and every Tuesday night at 6:30pm and Saturday night at 6pm you can watch LIVE here - www.ustream.tv/user/wellworship :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Major News.

Here it is, plain and simple - I will not be graduating from SEBC in May.

I know, Amber's one goal for 2011 and it's already a no-go. And I know, most of you were really wishing my "major news" was something to do with a guy. I'm not even going to make a comment on that...haha!

Once I got my semester sylabi, the fear of possibly failing Geometry became a reality, I realized that if I failed I wouldn't graduate anyway. It wasn't my first choice but after talking with both my mom and dad, the Dean here at SEBC and a Spiritual mom, the decision has been made. I will finish my time at SEBC in December of this year and from there, I am still unsure. I don't want to do anything without being 100% certain it is the Lord's will. I'm very uncomfortable with this decision but, there are times in life when the Lord makes us uncomfortable for His greater plan.

Last semester I had my lowest GPA I've had since being at SEBC and honestly, I don't want to go out with another low GPA. I want to prove my best here at SEBC, not my desperation. Whatever mission God has for me has me at SEBC...still!

So I know, some of you are thinking about how excited I was and all that jazz but the Lord has opened some doors to keep me excited about life :)

He has opened the door for me to help a family friend's church our with their praise and worship and I am very excited about it! Anything to bring glory and honor to His name! Of course, I always have my summer of camp and hopefully, this summer will consist of traveling to camp(s)...again! Also, some girlfriends and I are looking at apartments/houses to possibly move in over the summer/beginning of the fall and so from there, we'll see where the Lord takes it.

No it's not my plan but, God's plan is greater than mine and I'll go wherever He leads me. So I just ask that you pray for me, and my parents; this was a tough decision to make.

Much love and many blessings!
Amber <3